
  •  by Hannah Tighe on  October 3, 2011 |
    Uncategorized |

    Yesterday, I had yet another amazing experience at PodCamp Philly.  I met a woman there that has re-ignited my passion for Google+.  If you really want to stay up to date on Google+ , I suggest you follow this amazing lady who just  a delivered a spectacular presentation.  Her name is Lynette Young and she is the owner of PurpleStri […]

  •  by Hannah Tighe on  February 26, 2010 |
    Blog, Content Creation, Facebook, Publishing, Twitter, Uncategorized |

    For all of you who are ready to hit the ground running, here are a few pointers to keep you from falling flat on your butt
    1.  ITS ALL ABOUT ME: A philosophy I personally enjoyed in a former life!  This philosophy will not fly in social media .  People really don’t care about what you have to say until they know you are sincere i […]