Publishing Success Cycle

by Hannah Tighe on  November 3, 2009 |

Success Cycle I was reading a blog post today over at Grant Griffith’s The post lends suggestions on creating a successful publishing cycle and takes you through the thought, planning, action and promotion stages to keep you on track.

Earlier this week, I was pondering (Pinky, are you Pondering what I’m Pondering?), on how to take over the world….er….what I’d like to write about in some upcoming blogs and was overwhelmed with potential topics that were presenting themselves. So much that it stunted my efforts to actually write anything at all. It seemed that my overload of information and topics threw me into a writers block. How is that possible? Somewhere in there I had all of the topics in the world to write about and yet, nothing! No action, information overload, no posts!

I came across this gem of a post by Roger C. Parker that takes you through what he describes as the Publishing Success Cycle and what he did to ensure continuity of producing a stream of content. The following is a borrowed excerpt from that article:

  • Step 1: Promotion. Since I knew what each Tuesday’s topic was going to be, I would start to explore upcoming topics during the previous week so I could promote the call in my weekly newsletter and in my Friday Upcoming Events blog post. I begin by identifying the relevance of the topic to Published & Profitable friends and members. Focusing on the relevance of each week’s topic not only provides me with the marketing copy I need to promote each week’s call, it also helps me focus on the content I’m going to deliver during each week’s call.
  • Step 2: Content maps. Next, I created a mind map for each call. Mind maps provide a visual to follow during each call. The mind map for each call followed the same basic organization, beginning by describing the relevance, or importance, of each topic. This was followed by my describing a 3-step process callers can use to address the topic. I follow the 3-steps with a list of recommendations and tips, followed by resources to learn more. I end each call with questions intended to stimulate caller comments and questions.
  • Step 3: Handouts. Handouts play a major role in each call. The week before each call, as I am preparing the content maps, I create a note-taking sheet plus locate any existing resources, like examples, newsletters, or worksheets, that will help callers better understand each week’s topic. If I don’t already have what I need, I find it relatively easy to create a worksheet or simple report from scratch, since I have the motivation of the upcoming call. The handouts are uploaded the morning of the call, and I announce the URL where the PDF can be downloaded.
  • Step 4: Presentation and recording. There are several important benefits to recording each call. Like many others, perhaps like you, I find it very easier to talk than to write. Creating a mind map and handouts for each topic provides the structure I need to comfortably address each topic. In addition, by recording each call, I can better listen and respond to callers without needing to take notes. This helps me better understand the caller’s knowledge of the topic and discover the questions they want answered.
  • Step 5: Leveraging. By recording the call, I am simultaneously creating new content for Published & Profitable. I immediately post each call in the member area. In addition, I can have each call transcribed, so I can use it as the basis of articles, newsletters, and special reports.

These 5 steps are great advice that I would like to incorporate into my schedule to help ensure consistency with writing and creating valuable content. Thanks to Grant Griffith’s for the inspiring article. if you get the opportunity, I highly recommend his blog.


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